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J.M.S College provides public-access computer labs that are available for all faculty, staff and students. Software and hardware available in the labs are determined by the needs of student and faculty coursework.

Our College to popular belief, the laboratory portion is not designed to torture students. The laboratory is designed to support and illustrate studies in the lecture portion of the course, as well as to introduce important laboratory techniques and encourage analytical thinking. Of course, we cannot perfectly synchronize the coverage of material in the lecture and the laboratory, but we will attempt to make connections whenever possible. Along with concepts and sanskrit covered in lecture, the laboratory portion of the course

Eye Protection. You will wear goggles to protect your eyes from splashes. If you wear prescription eyeglasses, you will wear your goggles over your eyeglasses. ALL STUDENTS must purchase and wear a pair of approved splash goggles from the College Department Stockroom in 017 Burke before your first lab period.

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